Beacon Of Permia

Once again, this one was done a while ago, too big for the scanner, and my camera broke, thank goodness for Christmas.
Unlike the other one, this was a school project and it had some story to it.
There once was a world, a world where contact was common between species. It was connected in an almost beautiful way to every other world around it. All was relatively serene.
Then something happened. No one knows what, but some suspect that one of the races sought superiority. Whatever happened, there was a violent disturbance. The climate on every connected world was scorched dry. With the threat of intergalactic mass extinction realized, the connections were severed, but not before 60% of all life in the universe was annihilated. This little world here probably suffered the most, so its connections were never restored. Now it has become a lost planet, devoid of complex civilization with knowledge of any of the higher physics. It has become...
the planet earth.

Rendered in Watercolor, edited in Photoshop.


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