Snow Demon

Caution: this website is probably straddling the line between PG and PG-13.
As if it wasn't obvious already.
Anyways, this marvelous beast from the mind-meddling menagerie of Th'Den Wheja is known as a Snow Demon. (Spiculursus arcticus) It is an ambush predator, the top of its food chain, and at home in the arctic. It is never seen outside of its protective blizzard that it prefers to lurk in. When certain prey items are spotted, (anything living up there) the demon creeps around it, hidden by the snow and dampened out by the wind. When within striking distance, it fires up a fierce bioluminescent display that frightens and confuses its victim. When they turn to run, they are soon found within the demon's giant, crushing paws. The creature's tentacles, coated in poisonous barbs*, flood the prey's system with neurotoxins. Within the minute, the demon's next meal is ready for order.
Of course, how many people have seen this creature and survived to tell its tale?

Rendered in Photoshop.

*These tentacles aren't dissimilar to those of jellyfish found on Earth.


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